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Publications by the academy, its research projects and institutes

  • Baum, A.; Li, Ying; Tomi\ifmmode \acutec\else \'c\fi, M.; Lazarevi\ifmmode \acutec\else \'c\fi, N.; Jost, D.; Löffler, F.; Muschler, B.; Böhm, T.; Chu, J.-H.; Fisher, I. R.; Valent\'\i, R.; Mazin, I. I.; Hackl, R.
  • Interplay of lattice, electronic, and spin degrees of freedom in detwinned $\mathrmBaFe_2\mathrmAs_2$: A Raman scattering study
  • Phys. Rev. B
  • 98
  • 2018, American Physical Society
  • 075113