@article{id_14887, title = "Precise control of Jeff=1/2 magnetic properties in Sr2IrO4 epitaxial thin films by variation of strain and thin film thickness", author = "Geprägs, Stephan and Skovdal, Björn Erik and Scheufele, Monika and Opel, Matthias and Wermeille, Didier and Thompson, Paul and Bombardi, Alessandro and Simonet, Virginie and Grenier, Stéphane and Lejay, Pascal and Chahine, Gilbert Andre and Quintero Castro, Diana and Gross, Rudolf and Mannix, Dan", journal = "Physical Review B", volume = "102", year = "2020", pages = "214402-214402", url = "https://www.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.102.214402", }